
One-way Distance: 4.8 miles
Difficulty: Moderate - Strenuous
MTB Skill level:

Elevation: 4588-5397 feet
Cellphone: 3-5 bars
Time: 2 hrs. 30 mins.
Trailhead: Mack Ridge
Fee: none
Attractions: Scenic challenge

The Moore Fun trail is part of the Kokopelli Trails system just south of Interstate 70 between Loma and Mack. The Kokopelli Trails are some of the most popular mountain bike trails in western Colorado. To access the Moore Fun trail you can park at the Kokopelli Trailhead and follow the road over the hill or you may be able to find a spot open at the Moore Fun parking area. I parked at the Moore Fun parking area and began from there. I hiked 6 miles up the Mary's Loop trail to the Mack Ridge trailhead and then I hiked the 4.5 mile long Moore Fun trail back to my vehicle. I saw several bikers that had parked at the Mack Ridge trailhead and were riding the Moore Fun trail back towards the Kokopelli trailhead but most riders were riding the trail in the opposite direction.
From the Mack Ridge trailhead the Moore Fun trail begins at a gate in the southeast corner of the parking area. Even though the trail is rated 'Most Difficult' for bikers I hesitated labeling the trail 'Strenuous' for hikers. There is about an 800 foot range in elevation, so there is a little bit of climbing to do, but the trail is designed with bikers in mind so the slopes are pretty gentle for hikers. Even after hiking Marys Loop, before beginning Moore Fun, the 11 miles of hiking didn't seem too bad.
After passing through the gate the trail follows the fence for a short distance and then wraps around and up a hill. When you consider how close you are to the interstate it is amazing how secluded the trail is. The trail up the rocky slope is easily negotiated on foot. There are definitely some tight spots that the bikers have to deal with.
There is fun to be had following trail as it winds around large boulders.
Views of the river and lower valleys are one of the rewards for your effort.
The trail doubles back on itself several times as it works its way up the hill. After hiking for about a half mile you can look down and see that you are only a few hundred yards up the mountain from the first rocky stretch. The terrain and rock formations through this section keep you in entertained with all the fun they add to the trail.
Once you make it up to the ridge there are some good views of Marys Loop, the Horsethief Bench Loop and Wranglers Loop. The Black Ridge Wilderness Area is just across the Colorado River and you can see into parts of Pollock Canyon, Rattlesnake Canyon and Bull Canyon. It was worth the hike just to see the views.
The trail followed along the rim for a little way and then worked its way down the backside of the hill and around into an open valley area. This area is probably around the half way point between the upper and lower ends of the trail.
After crossing the open area you can see the parking area at the east end of the trail. It looks so close yet there is still a couple of miles left to get there. The trail works its way down the hill bringing you closer and closer to the end and then cuts back in the other direction as it follows around the back of each of the washes. Each of these washes have their own attractive landscapes and each provides the bikers with yet another challenge. They were using all of their concentration trying to pick out the best route over and through the rocky terrain.
In several spots the trail builders had gone to extraordinary effort to place some very large rocks in just the right places to provide a path that could be managed by the bikes. Some of the rocks were so large that they must have had to take a great deal of care or maybe enlisted some type of mechanical device. They are certainly putting the donations they receive to good use in managing the system of trails.
It took a little over 2 hours to hike the entire length of the Moore Fun trail from the Mack Ridge trailhead. I had spent a lot of extra time taking pictures and looking at rocks and stuff. There are a lot of places along the way to take a break and enjoy a lunch. A few of the spots entice you to linger around them to take in their relaxing nature. Since the Moore Fun trail isn't a loop you have to incorporate another trail to get back to where you began. I took Marys Loop which was 6 miles. If you take the Hawkeye Road you are looking at about 2.5 miles. Or you could always just turn around and hike the Moore Fun trail back 4.5 miles. Or maybe yet you could have someone drop you off at one end or even take two vehicles. Any way you decide to do it the Moore Fun trail is a great place to 'Take a hike'.